The godfather: Prince Charles to name gorillas in Rwanda conservation event

Kata Kata

Admin | Posted On : 02-09-2022

Today, Friday, 2 September, will be an eventful day. Sure, a memorable day for Prince Charles. The baby gorillas and the families. Primates at Rwanda’s annual conservation event Kwita Izina.

You might be wondering about the relationship between Prince Charles, arguably one of the most prominent and highly influential persons in the world, and the primates. Well, a lot, and they need each other, by the way. Aren’t we interrelated? The ubuntu.

Prince Charles will be one of the 20 high-profile personalities who will grace the event for Rwanda’s tourism calendar, which traditionally features naming gorilla babies in families. It is a family thing — a tradition. The naming ceremony it is, but don’t expect the presence of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Nor would you hear those celestial hymns and sounds or medieval musical organs calling on the faithful souls. No, those activities belong to the church, where the Archbishop reigns. Nor are those gorillas in a hurry to denounce their conservatism and natural inhabitant for any religious dogmatism. A good reason why Prince Charles, a known conservation zealot, cannot be a better celebrity to act both as the high priest and godfather at this year’s 18th edition of the Kwita Izina conservation event in Rwanda. Sure, those animals will look forward to interacting on a higher, dignified and respectable level with the Prince, wouldn’t they? They cannot wait to see him or hear the excellent names Prince Charles will bestow on them.

Would it be a surprise to hear the baby gorillas arguing whether their new names would be Christian or traditional Rwandan names? Yes, most of the young primates, wishing an English name until their mother reprimanded them, reminding them that they did not have control over their names. Only Prince Charles does.

“You go now and sleep; it is too late, I don’t want any of you to misbehave tomorrow during the important naming ceremony, and get a bad name. Remember, a bad name is bad omen.” Their mother would caution the young gorillas.

Having failed to personally witness the occasion since 2019 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, those gorillas and, of course, their family members and relatives will eventually have the rare honour of welcoming the British Prince Charles to event Kwita Izina naming ceremony, which he will conduct virtually.

Naming baby gorillas is one of the global works that earned Prince Charles a £23million income in 2021. That publicity stunt in Rwanda is crucial for the country's wildlife conservation; and the Prince. Little wonder Rwanda's tourism advert says: "Visit Rwanda."