Deconstruction of Construction: Discourse and Construction of Identity.

Kata Kata

Admin | Posted On : 09-09-2023

Discourse plays a crucial role in constructing identity, encompassing how language, communication, and social interactions shape how individuals perceive themselves and others. Communication - and, for that matter, meaning - can only occur when there is a "social mind." Therefore, identity is a multifaceted concept encompassing various aspects, including personal, social, cultural, and group identities. Discourse contributes to forming, negotiating, and representing these identities through linguistic and communicative practices. If discourse constructs identity, logically, discourse and identity construction are interconnected. Let us take a closer look at the interconnection of the two concepts.


  1. Representation and Self-Perception: Discourse shapes how individuals represent themselves and perceive their identity. People use language to describe their characteristics, beliefs, and affiliations. The words and phrases they choose and the narratives they construct contribute to portraying their identity to themselves and others.
  2. Social Construction of Identity: Identity is not solely an individual's internal sense but is also socially constructed. Discourse reflects and reinforces societal norms, values, and ideologies. Through interactions with others, individuals learn how they are perceived and adapt to social expectations based on their identity markers (such as gender, ethnicity, and social class) and internalise these perceptions, shaping their self-concept.
  3. Categorisation and Group Identity: Discourse is instrumental in creating and maintaining group identities. Language categorises people into groups, often based on shared characteristics or experiences. This categorisation can lead to in-group and out-group dynamics, influencing how individuals identify with and relate to various groups.
  4. Identity Performance: Discourse allows individuals to perform their identities in specific contexts. The language, tone, and style people employ while communicating may change based on the identity they are enacting at the moment. For example, adopting a formal tone in a professional setting and a more relaxed tone among friends can influence identity performance.
  5. Power and Identity: Discourse can (re) enforce power dynamics by legitimising specific identities while marginalising others. The dominant discourse in a society or community with access to (re)production of power often determines which identities are considered normative and deviant or subordinate. Those "norms" are often regarded as judgemental standards in evaluating the actions of others, and those who do not follow the "norms" are termed "social deviants" and are often treated as such. Thus, this social order can impact how individuals from marginalised groups perceive themselves and how others perceive them.
  6. Narratives and Identity Construction: Narratives, a form of discourse, are central to constructing identity. People create life stories and narratives about their experiences, which help them make sense of their identity over time. Cultural props, artefacts, elements and scripts influence these narratives and impact how others view and understand their identity.
  7. Hybrid and Shifting Identities: In today's globalised world, individuals often have hybrid and multifaceted identities influenced by various cultural, social, and linguistic factors. Discourse allows people to navigate and express these complex identities, adapting their language use to different contexts.
  8. Resisting and Challenging Discourses: Individuals and communities can also use discourse to resist dominant narratives perpetuating stereotypes or inequalities. By employing counter-discourses, marginalised groups can assert their agency and redefine how they are perceived and understood.


One cannot talk about identity without discourse because discourse is a powerful tool in constructing identity, influencing how individuals perceive themselves and others. The relationship between discourse and identity is complex and dynamic, with language and communication playing a pivotal role in shaping personal and collective senses of self. If discourse constructs one's identity and how others perceive them, identity is a definition or construction that can be deconstructed. Hence, one can talk of the deconstruction of discourse construction.

Deconstruction of Discourse Construction.

Deconstruction is a philosophical and literary theory that originated primarily with the work of French philosopher Jacques Derrida in the mid-20th century. It challenges traditional notions of language, meaning, and truth, aiming to reveal the inherent complexities and contradictions within texts and discourses. "Discourse construction" refers to how language creates and conveys meaning within a particular context, such as in written or spoken communication.

The deconstruction of discourse construction involves analysing and unravelling the assumptions, hierarchies, and binary oppositions that underlie language and communication. How does deconstruction operate in discourse construction?


  1. Binary Oppositions: Deconstruction reveals how language often relies on binary oppositions, where concepts are defined concerning their opposite (e.g., good vs. evil, presence vs. absence). These oppositions create hierarchies and assumptions that shape meaning. Deconstruction aims to disrupt these oppositions and highlight the fluidity and instability of language.
  2. Logocentrism: Derrida criticised logocentrism, the Western philosophical tradition's tendency to privilege speech and writing that's considered stable, rational, and accurate. Deconstruction challenges the idea that written language is secondary to spoken language and questions the assumption that meaning can be fixed and unequivocal. Logically, if meaning is contextual and influenced by other factors, meaning is not written on a stone; it is subject to modification. So is identity.
  3. Differance: Derrida coined the term "différance" (a play on the French words "différer," meaning "to defer" or "to differ," and "differance," meaning "difference") to illustrate that meaning is always deferred and deferred, never fully present or fixed. This concept emphasises that meaning is constructed through continual differences and deferrals. Hence, no identity is static. Many factors and continual processes of differences and deferrals influence meaning and, for that matter, one's identity.
  4. Undecidability: Multiplicity of interpretation means a multiplicity of meaning. Deconstruction exposes texts' contradictions and ambiguities due to multiple conflicting interpretations, making definitive meanings elusive. This undecidability challenges extracting a single, stable meaning from a discourse.
  5. Subversion of Hierarchies: Deconstruction seeks to subvert the hierarchies and oppositions embedded in language and thought. Doing so questions the authority of dominant discourses and encourages a more nuanced understanding of complex issues.
  6. Play of Signifiers: Deconstruction highlights the "play" or constant movement of signifiers (linguistic elements like words or symbols) and their lack of fixed meaning. This playfulness disrupts the notion that language can neatly convey singular meanings.
  7. Contextual Instability: Deconstruction shows how meaning is contingent on context and how changing the context can lead to different interpretations. This difference underscores the contextual nature of communication and meaning-making.


In discourse construction, deconstruction involves analysing how language constructs and shapes discourse while acknowledging language's inherent limitations and complexities. Deconstruction challenges dominant discourses, reveals hidden assumptions, and opens spaces for alternative interpretations and perspectives. Notably, deconstruction doesn't seek to destroy meaning altogether but rather to show that meaning is constantly in flux and that there are multiple layers of interpretation. Hence, deconstructing discourse construction involves dismantling binary oppositions, revealing power dynamics and hierarchies, challenging fixed meanings, and embracing ambiguity. This approach aims to expose the complexities of language and thought while highlighting how context and ideology shape discourse.


Therefore, since identity is a discourse construction, one can logically say that identity can never be static or pregiven; it is multiple, and the diversity is influenced by many factors, including, but not limited to, language, context, ideology, and social cognition. Hence, every identity is constructed and can be deconstructed and redefined.