Technological Innovations Transforming Africa: The 2024 Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation.

Kata Kata

Admin | Posted On : 28-05-2024

Technological innovation is a critical driver of economic growth and social progress worldwide. In Africa, a continent, rich in diversity and opportunity, innovative engineering solutions transform lives, address local challenges, and contribute to sustainable development. The 2024 Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation, marking its tenth anniversary, highlights the remarkable achievements of African engineers and entrepreneurs. This prestigious award, presented by the Royal Academy of Engineering, showcases the ingenuity and impact of African innovators in creating scalable and sustainable solutions to pressing issues. It would be an understatement to mention the positive effects of the Prize on this year's finalists and the broader implications for the continent.

A Decade of Transformative Innovation

Since its establishment in 2014, the Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation has been a technological game changer and an immense catalyst for technological advancement and economic development across the continent. The Prize has supported nearly 150 entrepreneurs from 23 African countries, generated over 28,000 jobs, and benefitted more than 10 million people through innovative products and services. The Royal Academy of Engineering's commitment to fostering innovation underscores the critical role of engineering in addressing local challenges and improving quality of life.

The 2024 Finalists: Pioneers of Change

In its tenth year, the Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation continues to spotlight the most promising and impactful solutions. Four finalists from Kenya, Côte d'Ivoire, and Uganda were selected from a competitive shortlist of 16 innovators. These finalists represent diverse sectors, each addressing critical issues with ingenuity and technical prowess. The final draw of the 10th Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation, the continent's largest engineering prize will take place on 13 June 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya. 

1. Early Crop Pest and Disease Detection Device (Kenya)

   - Innovator: Esther Kimani

   - Innovation: This solar-powered tool employs artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning-enabled cameras to detect and identify agricultural pests and diseases in real-time. By providing instant alerts and tailored intervention suggestions, the device helps reduce crop losses by up to 30% and increases yields by as much as 40%. The tool leases for just $3 per month, making it an affordable alternative to traditional detection methods such as drones or agricultural inspectors. Additionally, the device offers valuable data for policymakers through an agricultural live-tracking data dashboard, aiding in broader agricultural management efforts.


2. Eco Tiles (Kenya)

   - Innovator: Kevin Maina

   - Innovation: Eco Tiles are environmentally friendly roofing materials made from recycled plastic. These tiles are stronger and lighter than traditional clay or concrete tiles, addressing both plastic pollution and high building costs. Kevin and his team collaborate with 500 informal waste collectors to source plastics, which are then processed using a custom-made extrusion machine. This energy-efficient manufacturing process blends different plastics at varying temperatures, eliminating the need for kiln-burning and significantly reducing carbon emissions. Enhanced with UV stabilisation chemicals and construction sand for durability, each tile is pressed in just one minute, with a daily production rate of 1,500 tiles. To date, half a million Eco Tiles have been used to construct 348 houses.


3. La Ruche Health (Côte d'Ivoire)

   - Innovator: Rory Assandey

   - Innovation: La Ruche Health is an AI-powered healthcare platform that connects communities to essential health information and services via WhatsApp. The platform's chatbot, "Kiko," offers personalised health screening and facilitates appointments with qualified healthcare professionals. This innovation addresses accessibility barriers, particularly for the 43% of the population with limited literacy skills. By streamlining healthcare processes, La Ruche Health improves the delivery and accessibility of medical services. As of May 2024, the AI has facilitated over 150,000 user interactions and processed over $18,000 in medical billings, illustrating its effectiveness and scalability.


4. Yo-Waste (Uganda)

   - Innovator: Martin Tumusiime

   - Innovation: Yo-Waste is a location-based mobile application that connects users to independent agents for on-demand rubbish collection and disposal. The app optimises waste collection routes by utilising routing and scheduling algorithms, reducing costs and improving efficiency. With GPS location technology, Yo-Waste overcomes the challenge of addressing informal residential areas. Currently serving over 1,500 customers, including homes and businesses, the app aims to reach 20,000 users by 2026. Yo-Waste addresses environmental pollution and health hazards associated with improper waste disposal, contributing to cleaner and healthier communities.


Importance of Technological Innovations in Africa

There is little doubt that technological innovations are crucial for Africa's development, especially now that the world is becoming a technological arena where unserious competitors are left behind. Africa cannot afford to be a mere spectator, given that the continent has enormous mineral resources and a substantial, active, but untapped workforce. That said, it becomes imperative that technological innovations play essential roles in the continent's emergence as a strong player on the world stage. 

1. Economic Growth and Job Creation:

   - Innovations like those supported by the Africa Prize stimulate economic activity by creating new industries and business opportunities. For example, the innovations by the 2024 finalists have generated thousands of jobs and supported local economies by creating and scaling businesses.

2. Enhanced Quality of Life:

   - Technological innovations improve access to essential healthcare, agriculture, and waste management services. La Ruche Health, for instance, addresses the healthcare needs of communities with limited access to traditional healthcare infrastructure, enhancing overall health and well-being.

3. Environmental Sustainability:

   - Eco-friendly solutions like Eco Tiles and Yo-Waste help mitigate environmental challenges. Eco Tiles reduce plastic pollution and the carbon footprint of construction, while Yo-Waste addresses waste management issues, reducing pollution and promoting a healthier environment.

4. Food Security:

   - Agricultural innovations like the Early Crop Pest and Disease Detection Device help farmers increase yields and reduce losses, contributing to food security and stability in regions prone to agricultural challenges.

5. Educational and Technological Advancements:

   - Technological innovations foster educational growth and digital inclusion. By leveraging AI and other advanced technologies, these innovations promote learning and adopting new skills essential for the continent's future development.

6. Global Competitiveness:

   - By supporting and scaling innovative solutions, Africa can enhance its competitiveness on the global stage. The success of these innovations demonstrates the continent's capacity for technological advancement and positions Africa as a hub for future technological developments.

Aligning with Global Goals

The innovations of the 2024 finalists are directly aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They address critical issues such as zero hunger (SDG 2), good health and well-being (SDG 3), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), reduced inequalities (SDG 10), and climate action (SDG 13). Each innovation solves specific local challenges and contributes to broader global efforts to create a more sustainable and equitable world.

The Impact and Reach of the Africa Prize

The Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation goes beyond monetary awards. It provides an extensive support system, including an eight-month training and mentoring program. This program covers various aspects critical to business success, such as business planning, scaling strategies, recruitment, intellectual property protection, sector-specific engineering mentoring, communication skills, financing, and commercialisation. This holistic approach ensures innovators can scale their solutions and maximise their impact.

The Prize also fosters a robust alum network that offers lifelong support to its members. This network provides continued guidance and resources and facilitates collaboration and knowledge-sharing among African innovators, further amplifying their impact.

Looking Ahead: The Future of African Innovation

As the Africa Prize celebrates its tenth anniversary, the Royal Academy of Engineering is investing significantly in the future of African innovation. Over £1 million will be invested in grants, prizes, and accelerator program awards to support the long-term success of African innovators. This investment underscores the Academy's commitment to nurturing a vibrant ecosystem of engineering excellence on the continent.

The Africa Prize alum network, comprising nearly 150 entrepreneurs, continues to grow and thrive. These innovators solve local challenges and inspire the next generation of engineers and entrepreneurs. Their work's cumulative impact is transforming communities and driving sustainable development across Africa.

The 2024 Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation finalists exemplify African innovators' ingenuity, resilience, and determination. Their groundbreaking solutions address some of the continent's most pressing challenges, from healthcare and agriculture to waste management and environmental sustainability. As these innovators continue developing and scaling their solutions, they contribute to a brighter, more sustainable future for Africa. The Royal Academy of Engineering's support through the Africa Prize ensures that these innovators have the resources and guidance needed to succeed, further highlighting the transformative power of technological innovation on the continent. Let us appreciate the priceless contributions of the African technological innovators and sponsors to transform Africa into a technological hub, thereby reducing technological, social and economic challenges facing the continent.