The significant health benefits of owning a cat.

Kata Kata

Admin | Posted On : 24-07-2024

While their soft fur and adorable faces may initially attract us, the unique health benefits of having a cat (provided no allergies) are substantial. However, it's important to remember that owning a cat also involves responsibilities and potential drawbacks, such as the need for regular veterinary care, the risk of allergies, and possible damage to household items. Despite these responsibilities, many research works have shown that cats can positively influence your health. Let's examine the immense benefits and potential challenges so you can make an informed decision.


1. Reduces Stress Levels: If you're dealing with stress, a cat might be the answer. Different medical reports have concluded that a cat's presence can significantly lower stress levels because interacting with a cat triggers the release of oxytocin. This hormone promotes relaxation and reduces stress. A cat's companionship and affection often lead to increased happiness and relaxation.


2. Having a cat as a pet is good for children. Various studies have shown that children with pets develop fewer allergies. These reports also found that kids who grow up with pets are more likely to develop empathy and learn responsibility, which boosts their self-confidence. On the other hand, children brought up in an environment without cats are more likely to develop allergies later in their lives.


3. It lowers the Risk of Heart Attack: Research from the University of Minnesota found that people with cats have a 30% lower chance of having a heart attack than those without cats. A similar 2009 study tracked 5,000 cat owners over ten years and showed a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.


4. Promotes Laughter: Cats, with their playful antics and endearing behaviours, can bring a lot of joy and laughter into your life. Research by Robin Maria Valeri in 2015 showed that pet owners, particularly those with dogs and cats, laugh more often than those without pets. This constant source of amusement can significantly uplift your spirits and entertain you, adding a delightful dimension to your daily life.


5. Helps Alleviate Depression: A survey of 600 individuals, half of whom experienced psychological issues, found that 87% felt their mood improved by having a cat. Moreover, 76% found maintaining a daily routine with a cat easier, adding structure to their lives.


6. Combats Loneliness: While cats may not display the same enthusiasm as dogs, they bring a unique joy to life. Their quiet presence is comforting and fulfils the social need for companionship, making them an excellent choice for a pet. Knowing you have a loyal companion; this unique joy can help you feel less isolated and more comforted in your daily life.


7. Decreases Fear and Sadness: You don't need to own a cat to benefit from its positive influence. According to researcher Jessica Myrick, watching cat videos can significantly reduce anxiety and sadness and boost positive emotions like hope, happiness, and satisfaction. This simple act can bring hope and satisfaction to your life, making you feel more positive and content.


Considering these significant health benefits, owning a cat could be a great addition to your life. If you're ready to experience the joy, laughter, and health benefits that come with having a cat, why not consider adopting one today?

